Service Gift

What it is

With Service Gift you benefit from a website that is constantly updated with products from the Sipec catalogue, as well as availability, prices and item descriptions.

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Service Gift featured website

Request a constantly updated showcase site with products from the Sipec catalogue, availability, retail prices and item descriptions. The site will be personalised with your brand and your contacts, without any reference to our company. Quickly you can make the appearance of the site consistent with your corporate image, create different pages of content such as information on purchases, terms and conditions, privacy policy, display sales prices, also calculated according to your needs using a markup on neutral and customised merchandise.

Service Gift e-commerce website

With the E-commerce Service Gift you can: 1. Filter the articles or article categories/sub-categories that you want to make visible on your site; 2. Choose and upload logo and layout colour according to your company brand image; 3. Edit the Content pages (e.g. about us, services, contacts, banners); 4. Be able to manage your customers' emails according to GDPR regulations 5. Manage orders received from your customers, modify them, confirm them and send them directly to Sipec systems

Velocità nella stampa e nella consegna

Servizio di alta qualità ed affidabile

Articoli personalizzati su misura

Team dedicato al servizio clienti